2019-2020 Board of Directors

2019-2020 Board of Directors - Front row: Sara Radoff, Claudia Parrish, Virginia Rivera, Corinne Miller, Andrea Cohen. Back row: Sally Lester, Laurie Salatich, Cindy Schuette, Kathy Rouhier, Yamindra Kanagasundaram, Clare-Marie Karat, Colleen Page, Hazel Powell


President - Linda Koval

1st Vice Presidents -  Sonia Deetz
2nd Vice Presidents - Open
Secretary - Open

Sunshine - Jan Corriden
Treasurer - Sally Lester


Food - Jan Corriden

Fundraising - Colleen Page

Interest Groups - Open
Membership, Data/Communications- Clea Hermanson
Newsletter - Sally Lester
Publicity -  Open
Scholarship - Gloria Williams and May Clark

Website - Hazel Powell
Photography - Sharon Cooper


Andrea Cohen 

Laurie Salatich

Staff Liaison

Clea Hermanson


Chancellor’s Associate

Anna Finn