Bon Appetit Gourmet Cooking Group
Gourmet cooking groups of 8 - 20 people will meet to share food, fun, recipes, and cooking tips. Themes, times and places will be decided by members of the groups. Partners may attend. Although this club is FULL and CLOSED to new members, a new Cooking Club will be forming if enough members sign up.
Contact: Rusty Bowman
Group full- Waiting list available
Book Clubs
BOOK CLUB 2 - 3rd Thursday, 1:00 PM - Group full at this time
BOOK CLUB 3 (BBBs) - 2nd Wednesday, noon - Group full at this time
BOOK CLUB 4 (Happy Bookers) - 2nd Wednesday, 7- 8:30 PM - Wait list at this time
Contact: Eleanor Southers
BOOK CLUB 5 - 3rd Monday, 1:00 - 3 PM - New members welcome
Contact: Mary Jane Chambers
Bridge Club
2nd Tuesday, 12:30 PM
Bridge for intermediate and advanced players.
Group full at this time (Note that there is a Learn to Play Bridge group for beginnners, described below.)
Contact: Evelyn Prichard
Last Friday of the month, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Table arrangements
The club crafts table arrangements and decorate tables each month for the Women’s Club monthly luncheon at the UCSC Arboretum. Crafters enjoy camaraderie while highlighting the season or taking inspiration from the month’s speaker topic to ultimately delight the luncheon attendees. There are 6-7 luncheons per year. Group full at this time
Contacts: Sharon Cooper, Marge Gregory
English in Action 
Visiting international students, scholars and/or spouses are invited to participate in our volunteer program, known as English in Action. A volunteer from the University Women’s Club will meet on a weekly basis for an hour with the participant. The program consists of an informal, non-structured meeting which gives the scholar, student or spouse an opportunity to practice conversational English and ask questions about the community. The meeting time and place will be arranged between the participant and the volunteer. Meetings between students and volunteers can be virtual or in person, depending on the preference of the people involved. We don’t have group meetings for volunteers. There is no charge for this program. It is not a class, but a one-to-one conversation.
New members welcomed
Contact: Karin Grobe
Excursions Club 
(Formerly Adventure and Garden Excursions)
Monthly Outings chosen by members
This group is for the adventuresome who want to explore the Bay Area through day trips: Take city tours, visit galleries, wine taste, attend art exhibitions and antique or holiday shows, see gardens or places of architectural interest. Members propose locales, choose dates for excursions and then carpool.
This club is looking for members to take turns proposing and coordinating excursions. Choose a locale you’d love to visit and let us join you.
Contacts: Clare-Marie Karat
Thursdays at 7:00-8:30 PM at DOMINICAN OAKS
Do you love to sing? Are you interested in sharing the joy of music with other women? The interest group Fiat Musica is a women's choir which performs throughout the community, including holiday concerts, two performances for the Women's Club and an annual Family and Friends Concert in May or June. We sing many styles of music: classical, pop and oldies, folk and world music and Broadway show tunes.
Fiat Musica welcomes new singers. The best times to join are October and January.
Contact: Michele Kibrick; (831) 429-1270
Financial Planning Club
Meeting time to be announced
The focus of this group is Financial Planning. The club offers a speaker series with topics on insurance, estate & legacy planning, real estate, health & medical care, retirement benefits and more. Meetings are monthly on the Westside of Santa Cruz.* Sign up to receive email notification of upcoming topics and attend when you can.
*Jane McKenzie's Office - 1010 Fair Avenue, Suite G, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Contacts: Jane McKenzie
Garden Club
2nd Monday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM ALL YEAR LONG
This club is CLOSED to new members due to its size, but Excursions Club (above) is OPEN to all members.
Contact: Cherry Thompson
Liaison: Trician Comings
Hiking Club 
2nd Thursday, 9:30 AM
The Hiking Club members enjoy the wonders of Northern California hiking trails in our immediate area. Members of the group rotate the responsibility of leading a hike and contacting everyone by email with details of time and meeting place to carpool. If the hike is over the lunch hour, everyone takes their own picnic lunch.
New members are welcome at any time during the year. Attendance is on a come-as-you-can basis.
Contact: Laurie Salatich
Learn to Play Bridge
Weekly on Thursdays, 1-3:30 PM at members' homes
This is a group for people who have never played bridge, or who used to play but have forgotten so much that a regular bridge group is frightening!
Contact: Debbie Hencke (831-359-9391) for more information
Lunch Bunch
1st Friday at 11:30 AM; LOCATIONS VARY
Lunches are a great place to meet new friends and to see familiar faces. The group meets at a different restaurant each month. Members take turns as host, choosing the venue and making arrangements with the restaurant. The coordinator sends out a reminder by email to the group each month.
Contact: Toni Wagner
Mah Jongg Clubs
Both clubs play the Chinese version of Mah Jongg.
Mah Jongg Club 1
(Weekly on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM) The group is currently meeting outside.
The group will welcome experienced Mah Jongg players; lessons will be offered to beginners.
Contact: Hazel Powell
Mah Jongg Club 2
Weekly on Tuesday, 10 AM - 12:30 PM
Dorothy Carroll invites Women's Club members to join her at her home in Watsonville to play/learn this fascinating game. She says, "Every time you play, there’s something new and something learned, and all for fun! We play the Chinese game as taught by Helen Palmer. Please come and have fun. If you can't play every week, come when you can."
Contact: Dorothy Carroll; 768-8268
Group is full at this time
Meditate Together
45 minutes once a week; Monday at noon
NEW GROUP FORMING NOW! Let's connect and meditate together over Zoom. While we are sheltering-in-place and isolated, meditation can help us tune in, stay calm, and support one another. Mondays at noon, we will connect for 45 minutes. Each session will include 15 minutes of silence for meditation and some time to reflect and share together. Sign up here. Questions? Please contact Andrea Cohen.
Contact: Andrea Cohen
Sew 'n' Sews 
Weekly on Wednesdays at 10 AM
A group for quilters and would-be quilters Contact: Sharon Cooper
Group full at this time
Travel Club 
Last Monday of the month, 10:00 - 11:30 AM in members' homes or via Zoom during pandemic
Members of the group share information about foreign and domestic travel from their own experiences or from invited speakers.
Although this club is CLOSED to new members, a new Travel Club will be forming if enough members sign up.
Contact: Rusty Bowman
Closed to new members; waiting list available
UCSC Events
UCSC Events focuses on bringing the campus and the community together. Members are invited to attend campus lectures and presentations in science, music, art, film and theater. It’s an opportunity for those who are unfamiliar with the campus to partner with those of us who know our way around a bit. Members take turns checking the UCSC CAMPUS EVENTS CALENDAR: to review the upcoming events, choose one to "host" and then email the group to coordinate a meet-up to carpool to campus. We meet at convenient locations off-campus and carpool to events together. Members are welcome to bring a friend who may not yet be a Women’s Club member but who would like to meet others and attend some campus events. Come join us.
Contact: Kerrie McCaffrey
Volunteers in Motion (VIM) 
4th Monday
The group promotes children's well-bing, coordinating efforts with Jacob's Heart & CASA
New members welcomed